Definitive Advancement in Colon And Rectal Cancer

Colon and rectal cancer that arises in the colon or rectum, which are sections of the large intestine, is referred to as colorectal cancer. It is among the most prevalent forms of cancer in the globe. One kind of cancer that begins in the cells lining the colon or rectum is colorectal cancer. Usually, it starts as a polyp, which is a growth on the rectum or colon’s inner lining. Certain polyps may eventually develop into cancer. The good news is that, when detected early on, colorectal cancer is generally curable and frequently prevented. The emergence of cancer often begins with polyps, which are abnormal growths on the colon’s or rectum’s inner lining. The majority of polyps are benign, meaning they are not malignant, but some can become so over time—usually years.

Definitive Advancement in Colon And Rectal Cancer

why colon and rectal cancer occurs?

Many times referred to as colorectal cancer, colon and rectal cancer can result from a mix of lifestyle, environmental, and hereditary causes.

  • Genetic Factors: Genetic alterations passed down via inheritance may raise the chance of colorectal cancer. Genetic mutations greatly increase the chance of getting colorectal cancer at a younger age in conditions such as Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer) and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).
  • Age: As people age, their risk of colorectal cancer rises. The majority of instances affect persons over 50, yet in recent years, younger folks have been seeing an increase in occurrence.
  • Polyps: Benign growths in the colon or rectum called polyps are frequently the first signs of colorectal cancer. Certain polyps may eventually develop into cancer. The chance of getting colorectal cancer is greatly decreased by routine screening examinations, such as colonoscopies, which can identify and remove polyps before they become malignant.

  • Family History: People who have an adenomatous polyp or colorectal cancer in their family are more vulnerable. If a parent, sibling, or child in your first degree of relation has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer, your risk goes up.

  • Non-Inherited Mutations: The majority of genetic mutations that cause colorectal cancer occur spontaneously over an individual’s lifespan. We don’t entirely understand why these mutations occurred.

  • Factors related to lifestyle: Certain lifestyle decisions may raise your risk. Among them are: 1. diet heavy in processed and red meats and poor in fiber. 2. excess weight and inactivity. 3. smoking. 4. excessive drinking of alcohol.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Prolonged, persistent inflammation of the intestines brought on by illnesses such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease might increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

It’s crucial to remember that while having these risk factors increases the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer, not everyone who has them will end up with the illness. Healthy lifestyle choices, family history knowledge, and routine screening can all help lower the risk of colorectal cancer or discover it early, when treatment is most effective.

what is colorectal cancer screening?

Testing people who do not exhibit colon and rectal cancer symptoms in order to find precancerous polyps or early-stage cancer is known as colorectal cancer screening. Because early discovery can result in better results and more effective treatment, screening is crucial. The following are the main techniques for screening for colorectal cancer:

  • Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) / Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT): FOBT: This test looks for blood clots in the stool, which may indicate polyps or colorectal cancer. Stool samples are gathered over a few days and sent to a lab for examination.
  • FIT: Using antibodies specific to human hemoglobin, FIT detects blood in the feces similarly to FOBT. It is less dietary-restrictive and more targeted.
  •  Stool DNA Test (sDNA): This test looks for specific DNA alterations linked to precancerous polyps or colorectal cancer in stool samples. It is capable of identifying anomalies that point to advanced adenomas or malignancy.
  • Colonoscopy: To inspect the inner lining of the colon, a flexible tube equipped with a camera is introduced into the colon and rectum. It can identify and remove polyps during the surgery and provides direct vision of the colon and rectum. To verify whether malignant cells are present, biopsies might also be performed.
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: This method is comparable to colonoscopy, except it just looks at the sigmoid colon, or bottom portion of the colon. In the lower colon and rectum, polyps and malignancies can be found via a flexible sigmoidoscopy.
  •  CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy): This imaging procedure creates fine-grained pictures of the colon and rectum using a CT scanner. Compared to a regular colonoscopy, it is less intrusive and can identify cancer and polyps.
  • Reducing the incidence and death of colorectal cancer is largely dependent on colon and rectal cancer screening. The selection of the screening technique is based on personal risk factors, inclinations, and medical professional recommendations. In order to choose the best course of action for their age, risk factors, and general health, people should talk about screening alternatives with their healthcare professional.
  • Polyps in the colon or rectum are frequently the precursors of colorectal cancer.
  • These polyps can be identified by screening tests, allowing for their removal before they develop into malignancy.
    Treatment effectiveness for colorectal cancer is substantially increased by early identification. 

Why colorectal cancer screening is important?

Screening for colorectal cancer is essential for several important reasons:

  • Early Identification: Colon or rectal polyps are frequently the precursors of colorectal cancer. Initially benign, these polyps have the potential to develop into cancer over time. These polyps can be found early on by screening tests, before they develop into malignancy. Polyps can be completely prevented from becoming colorectal cancer by having them removed during a colonoscopy once they are found.
  • Improved Prognosis: Colorectal cancer is usually considerably easier to treat and has a better prognosis when detected early. Often, early-stage malignancies are localized to the colon or rectum and have not metastasized to other body areas. This makes it possible for less intrusive procedures that have a better prognosis.
  • Lower Mortality Rates: The chance of passing away from colorectal cancer is considerably decreased by routine screening. Screening contributes to the reduction of cancer-related fatalities by identifying and eliminating polyps or discovering the illness early.

  • Common Cancer: One of the most prevalent malignancies worldwide is colorectal cancer. When it comes to incidence and death, it is one of the most common malignancies in many nations. Regardless of whether they show symptoms or not, routine screening aids in the early identification of those who are at risk.
  • Manageability: Early-stage colorectal cancer frequently exhibits no symptoms. By screening, cancer can be found early on, when it is more controllable and its symptoms are less severe.

To sum up, colorectal cancer screening saves lives by identifying cancer at an early stage or averting it completely by removing precancerous polyps. It is a preventative action that people may take to safeguard their health and wellbeing, highlighting the significance of routine screenings as advised by medical professionals.

What is the cure for Colon and Rectal Cancer?

The degree of the malignancy at diagnosis determines the prognosis for colorectal cancer. This is a summary of the methods used to treat colorectal cancer:

Cancer in its Early Stages:

  • When colorectal cancer is discovered early, before it has spread to other body areas, it has a good chance of being cured.
  • Surgery to remove the diseased portion of the colon or rectum is frequently the main therapy for colorectal cancer in its early stages.
  • Depending on the location and size of the tumor, minimally invasive surgical methods such as laparoscopic surgery may be performed in certain circumstances.
  • Additional therapies, such as lymph node excision, may be carried out during surgery, depending on the particulars of the situation.
  • Sometimes the only appropriate course of therapy in early-stage instances is surgery.

Cancer in a later stage:

  • Although there is a lower chance of a full recovery if the cancer has progressed to adjacent lymph nodes or other organs, treatment can still be quite successful in managing the disease and prolonging survival.
  • Later-stage colorectal cancer is frequently treated with a mix of methods, such as:
  • Surgery: If a full recovery is not possible, the goal is to remove as much of the malignancy as possible.
  • Chemotherapy: Strong medications are used to eradicate cancer cells from all throughout the body.
  • High-energy rays are used in radiation therapy to target and kill cancer cells. Depending on each case, a different combination and order of these therapies may be necessary.

Additional Elements Impacting Curability:

  • General well-being: Curability can be affected by a patient’s general state of health as well as their tolerance to therapy.
  • Particular mutations: The prognosis and available treatments may occasionally be impacted by specific genetic mutations found in cancer cells.
    It’s crucial to remember that:
  • Treatment can greatly increase a patient’s quality of life and lengthen their life expectancy even in cases when a cure is not possible.
  • Research on colorectal cancer is continually changing, which results in the creation of fresh, more potent treatment alternatives.

The stage, location, general health, and treatment preferences of a patient are all factors that influence the treatment plan for colorectal cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy are just a few of the advanced therapeutic options that have greatly improved colorectal cancer patient outcomes and survival rates. Achieving a cure or long-term remission requires early discovery through screening and appropriate treatment.

Colorectal cancer vs colon cancer

While they are not the same, colorectal and colon cancer are connected. Below is a summary of the main distinctions:

Colon and Rectal Cancer:

  • More general term: Colorectal cancer includes rectal and colon cancer.
  • Location: Anywhere in the large intestine, which includes the colon and the rectum, might develop cancer.
  • Signs and symptoms: Colorectal cancer symptoms, such as altered bowel habits, rectal bleeding, stomach pain, and unexplained weight loss, might resemble those of colon cancer.

Colorectal Cancer:

  • Particular location: Cancer that starts in the colon, which is the bigger portion of the large intestine, is specifically referred to as colon cancer.
  • More prevalent: Of the colorectal cancer subtypes, colon cancer is the most prevalent.
  • Symptoms: Generally, colorectal cancer symptoms are comparable to this.


  • Risk factors: A number of risk factors, including age, family history, nutrition, and lifestyle choices, are common to both colon and rectal cancer.
  • Screening: Early detection of colon and rectal cancer is possible with screening tests like colonoscopies.
  • Treatment: Depending on the stage of the malignancy, surgery may be paired with chemotherapy or radiation therapy in addition to other treatment modalities.

It’s crucial to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor regarding colon cancer or colorectal cancer. They are able to evaluate your risk factors, suggest suitable screening tests, and respond to any queries you might have.

diagnosis colorectal cancer

what is colorectal cancer surgery?

The majority of colorectal cancer patients are treated mostly with surgery, particularly if the disease is discovered early. To stop the disease from spreading, the malignant portion of the colon or rectum, as well as occasionally the surrounding lymph nodes, must be removed.

Types of Surgery for Colorectal Cancer:

1. Removal of the colon (colectomy):

  • Partial Colectomy: Removes the portion of the colon containing the tumor together with any surrounding lymph nodes. After then, the colon’s still-healthy sections are reunited (anastomosis).
  • Total Colectomy: In certain situations, removal of the entire colon may be required, especially if there are several tumors or if the cancer has spread to a significant area of the colon.

2. Surgery for rectal cancer, or rectal resection:

  • Cancers in the upper region of the rectum are treated with a low anterior resection (LAR). The remaining segment of the rectum is reattached to the colon or anus after the malignant area is removed.
  • Cancers in the lower rectum or anal canal are treated by abdominoperineal resection (APR). The whole rectum, anus, and surrounding tissues must be removed. A pouch is linked to the permanent colostomy, an opening on the abdominal wall for the removal of stool.

3. Minimally Invasive Surgery:

  • Laparoscopic Surgery: This type of surgery involves making multiple tiny abdominal incisions in order to introduce a camera and surgical instruments.
  • For many colorectal malignancies, laparoscopic colectomy and laparoscopic resection are viable options that come with advantages over open surgery include reduced scarring, less pain, and a faster recovery.
  • Robotic-Assisted Surgery: A laparoscopic procedure enhanced by the use of robotic arms that the surgeon controls. This method enables better visualization and more accurate motions.

Here are a few more things to think about:

  • The procedure will be carried out by a colorectal surgery specialist.
  • The stage of the malignancy at diagnosis determines the surgical outcome. Surgery performed early is frequently curative.
  • Depending on the individual circumstances, surgery may be coupled with additional therapies like radiation or chemotherapy.
  • In the event that you receive a colorectal cancer diagnosis, your surgeon will go over your potential surgical choices. When developing a treatment plan, they will take your general health, your preferences, and the cancer’s stage and location into account.
colorectal cancer colon dr astha bhatt

Exploring the Benefits of Robotic Surgery in Treating Colon and Rectal Cancer

By incorporating this cutting-edge technology into a Colorectal Surgeon practice, the surgeon is  able to provide patients with a range of benefits:

Surgical approach for Colon and Rectal Cancer in Broward County, Florida

Surgical Methods:
An outline of typical surgical methods for treating colon and rectal cancer is provided below:

  • Surgical Open Procedure: The colon or rectum is accessed with a single, bigger abdominal incision in this conventional method. Despite being typically helpful, it can cause more pain, longer healing times, and larger scars.
  • Laparoscopic Surgery: A series of tiny incisions are used in this less invasive procedure. To see the surgery site, a narrow, illuminated tube with a camera is inserted and called a laparoscope. The process involves making additional tiny incisions through which instruments are placed. Compared to open surgery, laparoscopy offers shorter recovery times and less pain.
  • Robotic Surgery: A robotic surgical system is used in this minimally invasive procedure. During surgery, the physician uses tiny instruments to move robotic arms while seated at a console for improved dexterity and visualization. Although robotic surgery is a more recent technology and is more expensive, it might be appropriate in some circumstances.

  • Stage and Location of the Cancer: Both the cancer’s stage (or extent) and its location within the colon or rectum have a major bearing on the surgical strategy. Treatment for tumors in their early stages may differ from that for cancers in their mature stages. The size, position, and possible involvement of surrounding lymph nodes will all be taken into account by the surgeon.

One of South Florida Best Colorectal cancer treatments options

Most cases of colorectal cancer are treated primarily with surgery, especially when the disease is discovered early. The location and stage of the cancer determine the sort of surgery that is needed

  • Colectomy: The removal of the colon, whole or in part.

  • Rectal resection: The rectum is extracted.

  • Adjuvant therapy: used following surgery to lower the chance of cancer returning. This could consist of:

  • Chemotherapy: Kills cancer cells all across the body with strong medications.

  • High-energy rays are used in radiation therapy to target and kill cancer cells.

  • Neoadjuvant therapy: administered before to surgery with the goal of shrinking tumors and possibly simplifying their removal. Radiation therapy or chemotherapy might be used for this.

  • Medication that targets particular weaknesses in cancer cells is known as targeted therapy. These could be applied to certain genetic alterations or in more advanced phases.

  • Immunotherapy: Aids in the immune system’s ability to identify and combat cancerous cells. This is a newer field of colorectal cancer treatment.

  • Techniques to eliminate tumors by applying heat or by severing their blood supply are known as embolizing and ablation. For certain cases or malignancies that are incurable, they may be employed.

  • Clinical trials are investigations that examine novel and potentially effective treatment modalities. Think about these as a possibility if they make sense for your circumstances.

  • Recall that your Colorectal Surgeon suggested course of treatment will vary depending on the type, stage, and location of your cancer as well as your general health.

Dr. Bhatt offers the best management strategy for colon and rectal cancer, customized to your unique needs and preferences. Make an appointment for a consultation to talk about your situation and ask questions with Dr. Bhatt’s colorectal surgeons.

Appointment for Colon and Rectal Cancer in Broward County Florida

Super Star Surgeon 106+ reviews
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As a board-certified general surgeon and colorectal surgeon, Dr. Astha Bhatt is dedicated to providing the best medical care possible for patients with colon and rectal cancer. Dr. Bhatt performs all colorectal cancer-related surgeries in Broward County, Florida. She specializes in minimally invasive procedures using robotic surgery systems for colon and rectal cancer. 

Reputable general and colorectal surgeon Dr. Astha Bhatt practices in Pompano Beach, Florida and Broward County, Florida. She specializes in less invasive procedures including robotic colorectal surgery. When it comes to detecting and treating illnesses pertaining to the colon, rectum, and anus, including colorectal cancer and the best surgery for colon and rectal cancer, Dr. Bhatt is well-known for her skills. She is renowned for her utilization of cutting-edge surgical tools, strong patient communication skills, and caring approach.

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